Director: Sr. Carolyn Severino, ASCJ
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.; Friday: 9:00 A.M. to 12 Noon
OCIA -- The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which a person becomes a member of Roman Catholic Church. It is primarily a journey of faith from the awareness of stirring the faith and curiosity within one’s heart to a life of faith, live and justice lived in communion with Catholics throughout the world. Sessions take place on Sunday mornings.
Book Club -- meets on Friday mornings after 9:00 am Mass & Adoration in the Fall and the Spring.
Scripture Studies -- meets on Tuesday mornings after 9:00 am Mass & Adoration in the Fall and Spring.
Adult Confirmation -- a five-week series offered in early Fall and early Spring to prepare adults for the sacrament which is administered at the St. Joseph Cathedral in Hartford along with other adults.
LANDINGS -- a six-week series offered six weeks before Christmas and six weeks before Easter. This is an opportunity for those who have been away from the Church to come “home” in a setting where one can ask questions, explore and reconnect.